Commodities Executive Search
We place high performing front office commodity professionals with the most reputable trading firms in the market. We have a substantial track record running searches across asset classes and key front office functions.
Cross Commodity Coverage
Product Specialisms
Partnering with innovative and ambitious hiring firms around the world, we have built deep knowledge across the gamut of commodity products.
Oil continues to represent the most widely-traded energy commodity sector, and the key driver of global commerce, transportation and manufacturing. Volatility in recent years, driven by factors ranging from geopolitical fissures to the emergence of US exports, have created an opportune trading landscape for oil market participants, and HW Anderson’s Commodities Executive Search practice has retained a position at the forefront of relevant talent trends and market intelligence.
We have a track-record in delivering best-in-class talent across crude, refined products, and associated biofuels, to the most reputable Merchant Trade Houses and Hedge Funds in the global oil trading industry.
Gas & LNG
Gas & LNG
Gas, and in particular the geographic optionality offered by LNG, will continue to fire power plants around the world. The growing international relationships between gas markets, unpredictable global climate, supply constraints and the ESG agenda, are fundamentally changing the gas markets. HW Anderson’s Commodities Executive Search practice ensures our clients have access to best-in-class talent to capitalize.
Energy Transition Products
Energy Transition Products
With broad global consensus in place, the Energy Transition has begun in earnest which in turn has profoundly impacted our clients requirements from our Commodities Executive Search practice. HW Anderson partners with top trading firms to enable early-mover advantage in Hydrogen, Bio Gas and Bio Fuels as these fuels are increasingly consumed by Transportation, Power Generation and Industrial demand. In addition, the Electric Vehicle and Battery supply chain has dramatically altered the dynamics of base metal markets and created great opportunities for traders and funds to upskill.
Power and Emissions
Power and Emissions
Traditionally a core strength for our Commodities Executive Search team this has been amplified by the global electrification of transport and heat that has ensured the demand for talented power traders and originators has never been higher.
In addition, the trend toward greener power and the congestion issues caused by archaic power grids has created a multitude of opportunities in the market. Simultaneously, the growth of green power and the international adoption of ambitious emissions targets has breathed new life into the renewable and carbon certificates markets, from the perspectives of both primary flow origination and secondaries trading.
Agricultural Products
Agricultural Products
Grains, Oilseeds and Soft Commodities continue to be an area of focus and opportunity. With consumption and demand created by China, combined with highly unpredictable weather around the globe and expected increased inflationary pressures the Agri spectrum is well placed to deliver returns and continues to require talented trading professionals.
Metals, Mining & Freight
Metals, Mining & Freight
At the same time as the economic powerhouses of China and the US undertake investments in unprecedented long-term infrastructure projects, the emerging markets of the world have a continued appetite for the raw materials to build roads, cities, energy grids, and transportation networks. The markets underpinning these raw materials are often interlinked, particularly with respect to iron ore, steel, base metals, coking coal and dry bulk freight. In addition to precious metals and thermal coal, HW Anderson’s Commodity Executive Search practice monitors this complex closely and has a track-record of delivering talent for trading houses, industrial conglomerates, and steel producers in these markets.
Market Leading Relationships
Our Clients
Our Commodities Executive Search practice partners with a range of market leading clients across the globe. Our expertise allows us to partner most effectively with firms who focus on generating value in the natural resource markets. We have successfully delivered for:
- Hedge Funds supplying investors with exposure to the paper and physical commodities markets;
- Trading Houses identifying and optimizing economic inefficiencies across various commodity supply chains;
- Producer and Generator trading units providing optimization of commodities;
- Private Equity and Venture Capital firms investing in strategic assets, commercializing existing assets and investing in portfolio management teams.
Front Office Focused
Functional Scope
Functionally, our recruitment methodologies are most effective when deployed in high-value, high-impact front office talent pools. Our Commodities Executive Search practice invests most of its time recruiting for the following roles:
Portfolio Managers
Are responsible for idea generation, investment decisions and portfolio construction at top hedge funds.
That arbitrage, optimize, speculate and hedge across physical and financial commodities.
Originators and Business Developers
Are responsible for deploying capital to create value both through structural assets and commodity term deals.
Fundamentals professionals
Provide a crucial supply and demand modelling, and trade strategy edge. A notable part of this focus includes the Meteorological talent pool.
Quantitative Researchers
Generate alpha, back-test strategies, analyse risk, build complex models and provide statistical insight.
Ensure deals have maximum optionality and are priced optimally.
Asset Optimization and Development professionals
Especially in renewables, who acquire, build and commercially develop key strategic commodity assets.
Our people
Within the hyper-competitive and tight-knit trading and investment community our growth as a firm since inception has been exponential and truly organic. Every specialist HW Anderson consultant has been trained in-house and from-scratch. This ensures our methodology is original and consistent and that our culture is unique. Thanks to this growth we are positioned as a leader in Trans-Atlantic front office search. With three established offices, in the USA, UK and EU, our talented team is uniquely positioned to deliver meaningful value for our clients into the future.