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Retained Executive Search

Our retained executive search methodology differentiates us from our competitors. We do not advertise or post roles; we work purely on a reference and referral basis and our consultants have a specialized market focus.

Our methodology

The Search Process

Our process can be defined in the following five stages:

1. Consult

We engage with our clients and explore the nature of the role, the drivers behind the hire, the performance expectations and metrics, as well as the ideal skill-set and experience prerequisites.

2. Refresh

With experienced consultants specialized in your target market, we have immediate and actionable visibility on the talent pool active across your peer-set. As such, our initial market-mapping process is about refreshing and enhancing existing data.

3. Approach

Once mapping has been completed, we commence a thorough and exhaustive search of the market based on the initial requirement. As well as identifying talent, this process allows us to glean valuable competitive information which we share with our clients as part of a retained executive search process.

4. Evaluate

Once we have identified applicable and motivated candidates, we open a dialogue, analyzing their skills, work history, motivation and performance, as well as compensation and cultural fit. At this stage, we collate and present this information to our clients in the form of a shortlist.

5. Manage

From our shortlist to offer-acceptance, we work with clients and candidates to ensure an open dialogue and smooth process through interview, offer, negotiation and acceptance. We counsel our candidates through the resignation and notice phases. Once a candidate has joined, we follow up at the three- and six-month stages with the client and candidate to ensure the fit is ideal.