Ammonia Trading
HW Anderson has become a key partner for market participants in the global Ammonia markets. The global ammonia market is centred around the agricultural industry given its importance as a crop fertiliser in mass food production. With the reliance of this industry to utilise ammonia, the market has been steadily increasing from a production standpoint as populations grow. Another, important use of this gas has been its ability to act as a safe and cost-effective carrier for Hydrogen. As Hydrogen is difficult and expensive to store in bulk, Ammonia provides an alternative that is cheaper to store, easy to transport across an existing established network, and can be readily cracked and purified in order to produce Hydrogen gas.

Ammonia Trading Coverage
Market Scope
Given the evolving nature of this space we aim to work across functions to allow businesses to focus on particular areas of the market. We have experience in running Ammonia trading recruitment searches to identify individuals in Trading, Origination, Business Development and Logistics. Our networks are global with primary activity hubs in the US, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
- Trading: We identify traders who are experienced revenue generators with the ability to be at the front end of the Ammonia markets changing liquidity.
- Business Development/Origination: The commercial individuals who can leverage global networks to identify counterparties in trading, production and offtake.
- Logistics: Individuals with skills in market analytics, chartering, and distribution are essential to growing trading businesses.
Global Strategic Relationships
Our Clients
We are at the very forefront of Ammonia trading recruitment. We have placed key individuals who are responsible for leading the market development globally. We aim to assist organisations with both market entry and scaling of their Ammonia platforms.
Ammonia has come to the forefront of energy conversations as the world looks to identify alternative fuels in an age of decarbonisation. It is a potentially effective fuel source for internal combustion engines, marine bunkers, gas to turbines for power generators, and direct ammonia fuel cells. The traditional process of producing this gas has carbon emitting properties so is not considered a long term solution. That being said, ‘blue’ and ‘green’ Ammonia now dominate the dialogue as low-carbon methods of producing the gas. Blue refers to a conventional process of production with a carbon capture project which reduces emissions by up to 90%. Green refers to an alternative production method powered by renewable energy which creates an essentially carbon-free product. These two methods of production are being pursued as a long term solution for fuel alternatives.
The trading market around Ammonia is relatively immature, however, interest in developing trading capabilities is increasing and HW Anderson’s Ammonia trading recruitment expertise continues to increase. Currently, the global production market sits around 200mT with approximately 20mT of that being traded through international marketing on seaborne activities. The rest of the market is utilised in chemical products and fertiliser production. A significant portion of European production has been idled given the Russian/Ukrainian conflict. The war has impacted production facilities and transport access, as well as increasing the cost of gas. The Middle East, Africa and Asia are production hotspots with a number of traditionally coal-fired plants making adjustments in order to also burn ammonia in an attempt to limit their green-house gas production.
Diverse Relationships
We have experience delivering Ammonia trading recruitment campaigns for a variety of clients but we are most commonly engaged by one of the following two firm types.
We work with some of the world’s largest Ammonia producers in order to build their capacity to trade around their existing asset base. Often these firms are able to harness regional flow, and international distribution networks to negotiate large scale deals such as offtake agreements. Through our expertise in Ammonia trading recruitment we aim to add the individuals who allow producers to harness their platform for further revenue generation.
Ammonia trading recruitment has accelerated as number of key trading businesses are building Ammonia desks in order to hedge against a changing commodities market. These firms require well networked Business Developers and Traders who can build counterparty relationships and trading capabilities from the ground up. We leverage our deep market knowledge across commodities, and strong Ammonia relationship-base to identify the individuals that allow trading firms to enter this space.
Engaging HW Anderson
For further information regarding our ability to deliver talent to your firm please get in touch.
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Our People
Within the hyper-competitive and tight-knit trading and investment community our growth as a firm since inception has been exponential and truly organic. Every specialist HW Anderson consultant has been trained in-house and from-scratch. This ensures our methodology is original and consistent and that our culture is unique. Thanks to this growth we are positioned as a leader in Trans-Atlantic front office search. With three established offices, in the USA, UK and EU, our talented team is uniquely positioned to deliver meaningful Ammonia trading recruitment value for our clients into the future.